It is the responsibility of the parents to remember to pay the fees on time. It is not the ultimate responsibility of the school to keep reminding parents when the fees are due.
Tuition fees are neither refundable nor proportionate at school, except as mentioned in the following cases wherein tuition fees will be charged as per the percentage mentioned against each case:
Where a student withdraws his/her registration forty-five days before the start of the first term, the total amount of tuition fees is refundable less RO 100 /-, subject to proper written notice being giving to the School Authorities.
Where a student withdraws his/her registration at the start of the first term, the parent has to pay all tuition fees for the first term before shifting the child to another school.
Where the student withdraws his/her registration after the start of the first term, the total amount of the tuition fees is refunded less first term tuition fees and charges of RO 100/-, subject to proper written notice being giving to the School Authorities.
Where a student withdraws his/her registration after the start of the second term, no refund will be made.
Tuition fees shall be paid in two instalments by cheques or bank deposits through UPS account ( Bank Muscat – account no 0435011905000016).
Tuition fees do not cover the following:
Trips and school activities
Registration fees are not refundable.
A student will not be transferred through the educational portal in cases where the fees are not paid.
It is the responsibility of a parent to pay for the new book if any damage accrued in the previous some.
The parent MUST clear all the balances from the previous school year /term before registering for the new school year /term.
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